球迷辣评:将足球称为“soccer”的国家 表现的竟然比我们好 - 中国日报网
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球迷辣评:将足球称为“soccer”的国家 表现的竟然比我们好


2014-06-23 09:54:11




ada123 英国伦敦

Ronaldo is the only player in that Portuguese team btw what an end.



maidenwish 美国奥兰多

What a match! USA deserved the win, but some CR7 magic saved Portugal at the last second!!



leeeeave 英国伦敦

The awkward moment when the country we mock for calling it 'soccer' does better than we do. So so unlucky USA!



jaaher 西班牙塞维利亚

Excellent to see another "underdog" team win. I liked a lot the way the Algerians played (better than Spain!!)




Wow, honestly didn't see it coming! What a difference an hour can make, from a snooze-fest to a real cracking one! Actually it was so good that it made up for the disappointment of Belgium-Russia game. Both teams created plenty of chances and while Algeria took their chances. Also Korea should have had a penalty. Thank you Algeria and Korea for this breathtaking game!



Juicyjay 比利时

I think people should stop expecting Belgium to destroy every opponent they meet. The truth is they have the youngest team in the tournament and they have qualified for the second round after only two games, something Germany and Brazil have not managed to do. Regarding Lukaku, he has scored more goals in professional football than Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic or Messi at his age...


(译者 shltt 编辑 齐磊)



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