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People of Lisu ethnic group

People of Lahu ethnic group

People of Kazak ethnic group

People of Dongxiang ethinic group

2009 'Colorful Guizhou' Tourist Commodities Design Contest

Hani ethnic group of China

A view of the scenery at Yubeng village

Yunnan's Tibetan students grow up joyously

Tujia ethnic group of China

Bai ethnic group of China

Yao ethnic group of China

Dong ethnic group of China

For a greener world

Buddhist lecture at Longwu monastery

Manchu ethnicity of China

Korean ethnic group of China

Yi ethnic group of China

Miao ethnic group of China

Zhuang ethnic group of China

The Buyi ethnic group of China

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Female Mosques, Imams and School
  Latest News
Moulding great minds
Tibet launches wildlife survey
China welcomes constructive Tibet advice
Transport peaks at holiday end
Foot-and-mouth confirmed in Tibet
  Special Coverage
  1,000 Tibetan children assisted
  Investors drawn to Xinjiang
  Lost horizons: Nagqu prefecture in Tibet