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Final Destination 3 - A roller coaster ride of a movie

Updated: 2006-08-29 14:55
By Vivien Wang (

Final Destination 3 - A roller coaster ride of a movie

Being one of those who never dare to board a roller coaster, Final Destination3 gave me exactly what I think a roller coaster would - fun and fright, but with a hook that kept me interested.

Like Final Destination 1 and 2, the movie tells of the hide-and-seek game between Death and a group of students who cheat fate by not dying in a roller coaster crash, as they were intended to.

High school student Wendy has a premonition of she and her friends dying in a fatal accident just before boarding a roller coaster. Thanks to the premonition, some of them get off and they avoid the fatal accident. Death, however, will not be cheated, and the group of friends starts to die in the order that they die in Wendy's original premonition. Although they try to escape Death, in the end of the movie, their efforts prove fruitless.

Instead of being a God who controls everything, Death appears as a foxy, scheming vixen in the movie. Death, it seems, is bored of killing people in order. So she arranges a series of elements to make the job more interesting. First, she lets several survivors slip away and from time to time reveals some hints to remind them they are still in danger. Then Death starts to give chase and kills them one by one to add to the fright of the witnesses. Then last, but not least, Death pretends to be deceived by the last three survivors, and retaliates suddenly five months later.

It's really painful for control freaks like me to watch such a movie. The grisly annihilations freaked me out, but the game of hide-and-seek was exciting. When it finished, I suddenly realized what a pointless movie it is! Since death is the final destination for every one, you can run, but can never hide. Trying to guess when and how you are going to die seems useless. Just like the internal battle to persuade myself to board a roller coaster, even if I am brave enough to take a ride, it doesn't mean anything. The fun of a three- minute journey may offer less excitement than the dilemma of whether to board or not. A movie like Final Destination 3 only means something to control freaks, and not recommended if you are not one.
