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Britney Spears: where's Kevin?

Updated: 2006-05-21 15:36

Britney Spears: where's Kevin?

Britney Spears has hardly seen her husband since revealing she was pregnant, it's been claimed.

Friends say the pop babe - who announced the happy news ten days ago - is constantly left alone with the couple's eight-month-old son, Sean Preston, while Kevin Federline works on his rap album.

Britney even spent Mother's Day - celebrated in the US last Sunday (14.05.06) - alone in Los Angeles.

She then travelled to New York alone this week.

A friend told Britain's The Sun newspaper: "Kevin was in the studio or drinking. Even after she returned they've barely been together. He works flat out."

It isn't the first time Kevin has come under fire.

The former dancer reportedly spent too much time partying and seeing friends after the couple's baby was born last year, and Britney was said to be upset that he was not spending enough time helping her with their son.

Some of Britney's fans even urged her to dump Kevin.

They set up a website,, which included a petition begging the young mum to leave.

A statement on the website read: "Are you sick of seeing the train wreck that is Britney and Kevin?"

(BANG Media International)
