A letter written to change Clooney's mind about going forward with his next
Dear Mr. Clooney:
"Okay, so you're telling us it's a good idea to make a third film to our
remake?" (Warner Brothers Production) I've been observing you since the hit
Television show "ER". Dude, you have totally made a name. You have one
incredible talent and continuing to blossom into a great filmmaker. You have
managed to hold steady on an upward trajectory for the past several years.
(Reported the Washington Post) What you have accomplished is not an easy feat as
an aging actor constantly being challenged by every Heath, Bloom and
In case I haven't already mentioned it: job well done on the Oscar. You
deserve every moment of success and I am sure more is to come.
It's like you have a six sense in what are usually good projects -- "O
Brother, Where Art Thou?," "Three Kings," "Syriana," "Good Night and Good Luck."
I say "usually" because yesterday I just heard that your plan on taking on the
second sequel of "Ocean's Thirteen"! I'm writing this letter to stop you from
doing the biggest mistake of your career.
Don't do it, George! You got lucky with "Ocean's Twelve" and even that was
bad enough. You are such an excellent director. Don't do another sequel even
though the last Ocean paid millions of dollars in Paychecks to you. It's not
worth ruining your career. "Oceans Twelve" was so dull. Yes, dull. So many
reviews at the time of the film, agreed. It's like peeling off a band-Aid
slowly. That can be too painful.
I know you are trying to go the easy way for a fast pay-check. "Ocean's
Twelve" grossed over $350 million; not too far off the $444 million grossed by
"Ocean's Eleven." (Reported the Washington Post). Just keep in mind George, the
flops of Oscar winning films that fell downward after too many sequels, "Matrix
Revolutions" or, worse yet, "Rocky III"!
George: We just like you and respect you to much, so it's hard to watch you
squander your talent (even for a stellar cast) and play us for any easy box
office win. Stop now.