Jessica pulling an Angelina?
Updated: 2006-03-30 15:29

Jessica Simpson/Retna

The idea of being a mother is proving to be irresistible for Jessica Simpson.

Reps for the soon-to-be divorcee confirmed that the 25-year-old has babies on the brain and is looking into the adoption process and also mulling plans to fund her own orphanage.

"Jessica and her family have anonymously contributed money to [Mexican] orphanages for several years," Rob Shuter, Simpson's publicist, told E! News. "It is true that Jessica is exploring options to further help these children in need."

But whether those options include taking the steps to become a single mother or simply starting her own orphanage in Mexico is yet to be seen.

"I want to adopt, and I plan to adopt before I have my own kids," Simpson told Extra.

The former Newlywed star also told the syndicated show that she draws inspiration from another famous mama.

"I think Angelina Jolie has done amazing, amazing things, and the international adoption rate just since her has skyrocketed," Simpson said. "It's unbelievable."