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Katie Holmes gets ready for dramatic birth

Updated: 2006-03-22 18:45

Katie Holmes is just days away from giving birth to the baby she's expecting with Tom Cruise.

Katie Holmes gets ready for dramatic birth

Katie Holmes gets ready for dramatic birth

Katie Holmes gets ready for dramatic birth

Katie Holmes is just days away from giving birth to the baby she's expecting with Tom Cruise.

And while media speculates whether it's a boy or a girl (US Weekly claims it's a boy), women across the world can't help but sympathize poor Katie Holmes on her upcoming birth.

According to Scientology dictates, new mother can't scream about pain so that the child can enter the world in total silence. Which means Katie Holmes will be allowed to moan, but she cannot say anything, neither she can ask for painkillers.

Scientology also encourages delivering in an room filled with happy positively-minded people. Which means, in turn, that Katie Holmes' parents are likely to be left waiting outside. Holmes clan has repeatedly expressed their concerns over Katie's interest in Scientology.

However, Tom Cruise's entourage, including two sisters, devoted Scientologists, and two adopted children, also practicing Scientologists, will no doubt be allowed into the delivery room.

What can we say? Katie Holmes should REALLY love Tom Cruise to agree with all that.
