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It might be embarrassing to Bush.

tsupasat  Updated: 2004-05-11 09:37

I'm just trying to approach this with a clear head. yeah, it might be embarrassing to Bush and co. if Rumsfeld is canned, but there have been some serious miscalculations that have cost America big time. such as:

1. No plan to secure against widespread looting. i think the pentagon thought the Iraqi looting was a kind of good thing at first, cause they wanted to let the world see how repressed thepeople had been.
2. Not enough troops to secure the country. good Americans had called for more troops to get the job done right the first time. spending more at the "get-go" may have actually saved us money.
3. De-bathification. yeah, sounds good, but what do you do if 75% of the capable leaders in the country are part of the party?
4. Dissolving the army. "if you can't beat 'em (which we apparently can't) join 'em." the army didn't really fight in the first place, what makes you think they would fight once we've thrown out Saddam?
5. the successes the pentagon has had have been due to uniformed generals and soldiers, not their civilian overlords. The military side has done really well ... it's when secretary's of defense start playing secretary of state or other positions that things go awry.

yeah, no one's perfect. i don't think Rumsfeld really intended things to get screwed up. he's sort of a pathetic character ... but now is not the time for sob stories.

get him out ... along with his dreamy-eyed deputy ... and put someone more capable in.

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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