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Updated: 2004-08-13 12:24
Baosteel to issue 5 billion shares

Baoshan Iron and Steel Co Ltd (Baosteel), China's No 1 steel maker, announced yesterday that it is going to issue 5 billion shares to raise cash worth 28 billion yuan (US$3.4 billion) to buy assets from its parent Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Group Corp.

The merger will more than double the assets of Shanghai-listed Baosteel, and make the company the world's eighth biggest steel producer.

The move will also pave the way for a listing of the entire State-owned parent firm, newly-crowned among the world's top 500 multinationals .

Through the acquisition, Baosteel will control assets from many of its parent's affiliates, including the majority of steel-making capacity not owned by the listed firm previously; and non-core assets - software and trading businesses, real property and a chemical company.

The parent's iron ore joint operations with Brazil's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Rio Tinto of Australia are also part of the merger package.

Rating agency Standard & Poor's said yesterday that its issuer rating on Baosteel would not be affected by the company's acquisition deal with its parent "as the proposed transaction represents a straightforward transfer of assets within the wider Baosteel group."

Standard & Poor's takes a consolidated approach in assessing the credit profiles of both companies.

"Although Baosteel is expected to assume some debt from the entities that it plans to acquire, the company's leverage is not expected to increase greatly, as the additional debt should be more than offset by the planned issues of new equity," Standard & Poor's said.

At most 50 per cent of the 5 billion shares to be issued by Baosteel will be sold to the public, and the rest - which will be non-tradable - will be sold to its parent firm, Baosteel said.

The share issue plan will be put up for approval at a meeting of Baosteel shareholders, scheduled for September 27, and by Chinese regulators.

(China Daily)



parent : 母公司

multinational : a company involving or operating in several nations or nationalities(跨国公司)

offset : a compensating equivalent(抵消,弥补)

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