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Nation set to streamline pricing practices
( 2001-06-27 00:52 ) (9 )

Curbing price irregularities which endanger the interests of the public will top the agenda for the State planning authorities in the latter half of 2001.

The State Development Planning Commission, which is authorized to supervise the pricing of goods and services that are of special importance to people's lives and national economic security, is fully prepared to eliminate irregularities which go against the practices of a market economy.

The campaign, launched Tuesday by the commission, is aimed at improving market order, a top priority for the central government.

Pricing in industries such as medical care, education, automobile production, telecommunications, electricity, gas and water supply are to be targeted as focuses of the supervision, according to the commission.

Irregularities in the above areas should be thoroughly corrected as they have direct bearing on the public's daily life and social stability, according to the commission.

In relation to housing prices, the commission will see to it that related departments and agencies call off 47 different construction and property management fees which the central government has approved the cancellation of.

The commission is also scheduled to inspect some provincial capitals.

According to the release, the commission will conduct price supervision over bids and bid invitations on major construction projects using public debt.

As a major step toward the implementing of pricing laws and regulations, the commission will accelerate its moves to unveil regulations on preventing price fraud. Meanwhile, it is projected to draft regulations on curbing price monopolies and discrimination.

China now has a Price Law and a Law of Bid and Bid Invitation.

In addition, the pricing mechanism should be improved by breaking industrial monopolies and removing regional blockades. The commission has decided to get rid of regional pricing protectionism.

According to the release, the State will continue its efforts in expanding pricing reform and completing the market-oriented pricing system.

In another development, the State Economic and Trade Commission will adopt policies to encourage the buying of automobiles by individuals.

The commission will cut tax rates on the industry, particularly on the production and purchase of smaller cars, reduce administrative charges and improve credit for car purchasing.



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