Education / International Exchange

Fire Drill Held at the International Student Apartments

( Updated: 2016-12-07 16:56

Fire Drill Held at the International Student Apartments

On the afternoon of December 2nd, the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Security Office jointly held a fire drill at the International Student Apartments, as a climax of the ‘International Students Safety Education Week’ of this term. This fire drill was organised after the winter safety inspection of the international student apartments, aiming to further promote the knowledge of fire safety combined with the problems found in the inspection, so as to eliminate the potential fire hazards of electric utility in winter, and enhance the safety awareness of international students and their ability to escape in an emergency as well.

Before the fire drill, the office staff of OICE and the student assistants had displayed some posters of potential fire hazards found in rooms along with the posters of information on fire safety made by the Security Office in the hall on the first floor of the apartments. At 4.30 pm, with the release of the escape instruction, students rushed through the fire escape from the rooms of each floor to assemble at the small square in front of the apartment building. When all set, the officers from the Security office conducted a summary of the escape and taught the students how to choose the right way to escape in a fire. Then, with the guidance of the officers, students gathered together to read the posters thoroughly and learn about detailed safety knowledge of electric utility and emergency escape. Finally, when students were exposed to the pictures of the potential fire hazards found in rooms, they all showed concern and said that they would examine their own room and eliminate those hazards. Vignon Daniel Houndafode, an international student from Benin said they had strengthened their awareness of fire safety through this fire drill. He said he would pay more attention to the utility of electric appliances in the dorm, for his own sake, as well as for everyone in the building. In the future he would switch power off when leaving the room and avoid using high-power electric appliances in the room.

As a part of the ‘International Students Safety Education Week’, this fire drill has been a routine of the OICE to promote fire safety awareness. It’s also in accordance with the university’s notice to carry out a comprehensive inspection of safety production, as an educational activity jointly held by OICE and the Security Office. Through the promotion of fire safety knowledge, we make efforts to create a security check as preventive measures, and strive for a more harmonious campus.


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