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Traffic police in Changsha to make plans to beef up traffic control on Feb 14

2015-02-15 10:29:55 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Traffic police in Changsha has made plans to beef up traffic control on Feb 14, as traffic flow is estimated to surge on this western Valentine's Day that is getting increasingly popular in China.

Given that diversified business activities in celebration of the festival will be held in multiple locations across the urban area, a rather busy traffic flow is expected on this year's Valentine Day that falls on a Saturday.

Changsha traffic police department will launch core management control particularly in seven areas, such as the bars streets on Jiefang West Road and Hualongchi block, roads surrounding the Martyrs Park, the three major bridges across the Xiangjiang River, roads around the Wanda Square, the Dongtang business circle area, and roads near the ferris wheel on Furong Road.

The traffic control will be in place between 4 pm and midnight, Feb 14. Residents in the city are advised to primarily use public transport means. All drivers are reminded to choose less busy routes to avoid expected traffic jams.

编辑:张少虎 标签: traffic control Valentine's Day
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