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Wide-range of sleeting and freezing weather spreads in central China's Hunan province

2015-02-02 11:16:08 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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A wide range of freezing weather has brought an adverse impact to electricity, transportation and agriculture.

It is learnt that the electricity consumption in Hunan has soared up rapidly, some part of supplying line are found iced and large sections of highways are under temporary traffic control.

Zhou Hui, chief forecaster in Hunan meteorological observatory, said that Hunan's fast changing temperature and the large area of frozen weather remind us of the rare frozen catastrophy in 2008. "This is the first wide range of frozen weather in Hunan and it is much lighter than that in 2008 considering duration, range and intensity."

It is learnt from provincial meteorological observatory that today Hunan remains cold and wet weather, in which the north and west face a reduction in freezing area. Snow generally ends on Feb 2 and the temperature rises again with raining. The weather sees a recovery in most areas on Feb 3 and 4.

Zhou Hui said that in north and west of Hunan will still face a frozen weather today and tomorrow, thus certain departments should be ready do take actions in strengthening traffic controls, deicing, ensuring the stability of electricity, managing agriculture and keeping safe with crops.

Furthermore, she also mentioned that diseases of angiocarpy, respiratory tract and digestive tract enter into a high-incidence period due to the sudden drop of temperature.

Hence, the elder and children, as well as chronic cardiorespiratory patients should reduce outdoor time and keep warm.

编辑:张少虎 标签: freezing weather
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