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Per capita disposable income in Changsha in 2014 sees stable rise

2015-01-23 14:19:32 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The per capita disposable income of Changsha in 2014 rose by 9.4 percent compared with the year before, according to a government report during the first plenary meeting of the Third Session of the 14th Changsha People's Congress on Jan 20.

The urban and rural per capita disposable incomes of Changsha last year reached 36,000 yuan ($5,798) and 21,000 yuan respectively, increasing by 9.4 percent and 10.2 percent year-on-year.

Total financial revenue of Changsha was 100.31 billion yuan with an annual growth of 13.49 percent, which included the public financial budget revenue of 63.28 billion yuan that rose by 17.92 percent, according to the report made by Changsha's Mayor, Hu Henghua.

Hu said that Changsha government took lead in disclosing its "power list" and effectively boosted entrepreneurial dynamism by launching business registration reform in the past year.

The emerging industries played a vital role in supporting local economic development, he said, and the automobile industry has also become a new driving engine, with Shanghai Volkswagen new cars rolling off the assembly line in the Changsha plant, GAC Fiat, GMMC and BYD expanding their production capacity in the city.

In addition, Changsha has become an important comprehensive communications hub, with a high-speed rail network boasting direct access to 16 provincial capitals.

Its sub-districts such as Changsha county, Liuyang city, and Ningxiang county was listed among the country's top 50 counties with core competitive power in 2014. The Kaifu district, Yuelu district and Wangcheng district have also ranked among the nation's top 100 districts in scientific development and investment potential.

编辑:张少虎 标签: income stable rise
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