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Changsha county to blacklist firms over salary back payment to migrant workers

2015-01-22 14:03:03 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha county in Hunan province will take measures to resolve the issue of unpaid wages to migrant workers, according to a conference organized by the local government on Jan 19, 2015, csxrmt.com reported.

In 2014, the county handled more than 21 severe cases of unpaid wages, involving 13 million yuan ($2.1 million). With the growing number of salary delay cases, the county announced to blacklist those enterprises over back payments.

The county has 145 ongoing and 73 near-future construction projects currently, employing about 123,000 migrant workers. The salary delay are mainly the case in medium and small-sized private enterprises, comprising of around 70 percent in labor-intensive industries such as manufacturing, service and construction sectors.

In order to help solve the problem, the county has improved the security deposit system, under which, before starting off a project, an employer has to deposit money in bank accounts earmarked for payment to migrant workers in case he defaults on wages or goes into hiding to avoid trouble.

Those employers continuously delaying wages will be put on a blacklist, and be subjected to continuous supervision and monitoring, or even when necessary, their bidding for projects and product development will be restricted. They will also be named and shamed through media exposure. 

编辑:张少虎 标签: migrant workers
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