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Third Session of the 14th Changsha People's Congress opens on Jan 20,2015

2015-01-22 14:02:58 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The Third Session of the 14th Changsha Municipal People's Congress opened on the morning of Jan 20, 2015 at Changsha People's Hall.

Changsha Mayor Hu Henghua made a government work report at the meeting, in which he said that under the strong leadership of Changsha municipal Party committee, the city witnessed a stable and healthy development in economy and society in 2014.

According to the report, the annual GDP of the city achieved 781 billion yuan ($125.68 billion) in 2014, a year-on-year increase of 10 percent; its fixed assets investment reached 543 billion yuan, increasing by 18 percent over the year before; fiscal revenue 100.3 billion yuan, up by 13.49 percent year-on-year.

Third Session of the 14th Changsha People's Congress opens on Jan 20,2015

The Third Session of the 14th Changsha Municipal People's Congress opens on the morning of Jan 20, 2015 at Changsha People's Hall. [Photo by Chen Zheng/Changsha Evening News]

Also in 2014, the added value of industrial enterprises, whose annual business revenue is above 20 million yuan in the city, amounted to 305 billion yuan, growing by 12 percent compared with the year before; and the total retail sales of consumer goods hit 316 billion yuan, up by 13 percent year-on-year.

At the same time, 2014 saw a good start for Changsha to deepen its overall reforms, with it being approved as a National Self-dependent Innovation Demonstration Area, having entered into the era of metro, and becoming a comprehensive communication hub with the partial opening of Shanghai-Kunming high speed rail.

Hu also set up targets for the city in 2015, such as a 9.5 percent year-on-year growth for GDP, 11 percent yearly increase for fiscal revenue, and 16 percent annual rise for fixed assets investments.

Emission reduction targets of major pollutants are also mentioned as part of the mayor's annual work plan for 2015.

Third Session of the 14th Changsha People's Congress opens on Jan 20,2015

Changsha Mayor Hu Henghua gives a government work report during the Third Session of the 14th Changsha Municipal People's Congress on Jan 20, 2015. [Photo by Chen Zheng/ Changsha Evening News]



编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha People's Congress
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