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CPPCC member calls for more bike routes for the Changsha city

2015-01-21 17:16:20 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Tang Shuguang, a member of Changsha Municipal CPPCC, asked for more cycling routes or non-motor vehicle lanes to be built on roads with two lanes within the second beltway in the city, during the Third Session of 11th CPPCC Changsha Committee on Monday, Jan 19.

As the soaring number of vehicles causes traffic jams in Changsha, the cyclists in the city find themselves either having to ride in a driveway or a sidewalk due to the shortage of non-motorized vehicle lanes.

"In addition to the bus priority measure, it is highly necessary to set up bicycle lanes in our city and encourage citizens to ride bikes at a time when we are facing problems emanating from high population density and limited parking space." Tang said, adding that it is both a pragmatic choice and an increasingly popular trend.

Tang suggested that the government should take it into consideration to set bike lanes with clear marks on the existing and future urban roads. .

编辑:张少虎 标签: CPPCC member cycling routes
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