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New pipeline project to bring natural gas to Liuyang by end of 2015

2015-01-21 14:08:40 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The Changsha-Liuyang Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Project has recently been approved by Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission and construction work is expected to start soon.

Residents in Liuyang, a sub-city of Changsha, mainly rely on compressed fuel gas, shipped in by tank cars, for daily use at present. Due to the comparatively high transportation costs, the fuel gas price in Liuyang city has been higher than that in Changsha. The situation is expected to be improved by the end of this year.

The Changsha-Liuyang Natural Gas Pipeline Project starts from Xingsha, the initial station of Changsha-Changde Natural Gas branch line, all through Huanghua town, Yong'an town, Dongyang town, Luojialaowu, to the final station at Bujiawu, Liuyang.

The total investment of the project is 299 million yuan($48.06 million), mainly putting on the construction of the initial station in Xingsha and the final station in Liuyang, and the 62-km-long supply pipeline.

Liuyang city has been planning on importing natural fuel gas to its urban area for several years. However, Jiaoxi Hill has been an obstacle for laying pipeline and the hilly terrain in Liuyang brings difficulties as well.

In the first half of 2014, the Changsha National Biomedical Industrial Base in Liuyang took the lead in launching pipeline natural gas, which has served over 70 enterprises and more than 2,000 families in that area.

The Changsha-Liuyang Natural Gas Pipeline Project will not only benefit local residents and industrial enterprises, but is also significant for the energy conservation, emission reduction and landscaping in the city.

The project, undertaken by Hunan Provincial Natural Gas Company, is expected to be finished by the end of 2015.

编辑:张少虎 标签: pipeline project Liuyang
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