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Hunan to support civil nursing homes for old-age

2015-01-19 14:05:48 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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It's learnt from a recent Hunan Civil Affairs meeting that in 2015, Hunan Bureau of Civil Affairs will cooperate with related deparments to unveil policies of supporting civil nursing homes and Hunan government paying charges of services provided for the elder. They will urge local governments to establish the system of basic subsidies for the old-age with view to ensure that 50 percent old people can be subsidized.

As of the end of 2013, the permanent residents who are older that 60-year-old account for 16 percdent of total population, which means that one out seven Hunan people is the old. In 2014, the elderly population increased by 3 percent, which made the problem——population aging more serious. This year, Provincial Party Committee and provincial government has listed services for the elder as one of the six consumption hot spots on which the government will focus.

"Adding 20,000 beds for the elder" has been included in top 15 important civil affairs. It's the first time that services for the old provided by municipal and county governments have become part of their performance examination content. In 2014, Hunan government promulgated the "Opinions on Implementation of Promoting Service Quality for the Elder".As the pilot cities in China, Changsha, Xiangtan were approved to conduct comprehensive reform of services for the old-age. The number of beds for the old has reached 240,000, the coverage of infrastructures for the elder in urban areas 36.5%, the coverage of infrastructure for the elder in rural areas 21 percent.

Hunan government innovated fifteen state-run welfare houses and apartments for the aged, in which the government added 2,000 beds. The newly built and reconstructed gerocomiums in rural areas reached 150 and government offered 80,000 beds for the elder. The new rural and urban happiness houses for the old were 2550, including newly added 100,000 beds. Meanwhile, provincial government will unveil policies of Hunan government paying charges of services provided for the elder. with view to ensure that 50 percent old people can be subsidized.

编辑:张少虎 标签: civil nursing services
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