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Schools of green models listed in Changsha county

2015-01-17 14:18:28 来源:China Daily
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Wanying Green Kindergarten in Changsha county, Hunan province, was recently honored as a Municipal Exemplary Green School (Kindergarten) by Changsha's environmental protection bureau.

Lukou Central Primary School and Jinjing Central Primary School in the county were also listed among the 2014 Changsha green schools.

Wanying Green Kindergarten integrates the concept of environmental protection into every aspect of its education undertakings, such as recycling junked tires as outdoor exercise playthings and making posters from waste paper.

Schools of green models listed in Changsha county

                                       Children water vegetables in the garden of Wanying Green Kindergarten. [Photo by Zhang Di/csxrmt.com]

The kindergarten has even opened a small planting garden and gets the kids participating in growing vegetables and thereby getting closer to nature.

"We not only teach children about environmental protection, but also help them form good habits," said the principal of Wanying Green Kindergarten surnamed Lu.

A green school is expected to integrate efforts, on the basis of its educational functions, to reduce schools' ecological footprints, make school environments healthier.


编辑:张少虎 标签: green schools Changsha
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