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Hunan delegation attends 21st Beijing International Book Fair on August 27

2014-08-25 16:18:08 来源:Enghunan.gov.cn
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The 21st Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) will be held at the new China International Exhibition Center in Beijing from August 27 to 31. Hunan delegation will attend the fair with nearly 1,500 elaborately selected books. Over 100 classic books will be exhibited at the special exhibition stand of Hunan Province.

As the leading enterprise of Hunan publishing industry, China South Publishing & Media Group will hold two activities, including “Chinese original literature a hit in South Korea——a dialogue between bestseller writer Tong Hua and South Korea publishing industry ” and the promotion and APP launch conference of a new book“Highlights for children: Fun with a Purpose”.

Please refer to www.enghunan.gov.cn when using the article.

Translator: Yang Chengfei

Chinese source: hn.rednet.cn

编辑:于姝楠 标签: delegation Book Fair
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