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Hunan governor stresses on sound environment ensuring work safety

2014-08-08 16:30:27
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Governor of Hunan Province Du Jiahao successively inspected Linwu County, Yizhang County, Suxian District, Yongxing County and Anren County in Chenzhou City from August 5 to 6. During the inspection, he visited mining area, enterprises, construction sites and farms, making investigations of work safety and local economic operation. Governor Du stressed that the whole province should earnestly carry out the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech for strengthening work safety, conclude and draw lessons from latest serious safety accidents, stick to work safety awareness and actively conduct oriented inspections, so as to create a sound work safety environment for Hunan’s steady development.

Translator: Shen Zuolin

Chinese source: news.ifeng.com

编辑: 于姝楠 标签: Hunan work safety
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