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A Uygur student in Hunan donated matang to quake-hit Ludian county

2014-08-08 07:26:43 来源:Chinadaily
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A student who runs an online store selling matang, a cake from his native region of Xinjiang, is taking 1,400 boxes of the product to quake survivors in Ludian county.

Adil Memettur, 23, a senior at Changsha University of Science and Technology in Hunan province, is donating his entire stock of matang and has suspended his online business for three days.

The nutrient-rich cakes contain nuts and candied fruit. The consignment weighs 5,000 kilograms and is worth 500,000 yuan ($81,000).

According to Adil, it could feed 50,000 people for a day.

"Initially, my business partners, who are also college students, wanted to donate money," he said.

"But the cake is more practical because it's nutritious and easily preserved."

Adil left Changsha on Tuesday night and expected to reach Ludian county on Wednesday night.

"As students, our ability to help is limited, but I hope my donation will encourage more people to help people in quake-stricken areas," he added.

A Uygur student in Hunan donated matang to quake-hit Ludian county

Workers at an e-commerce company pack matang, a nutrient-rich cake, that will be transported to quake-hit Ludian county in Yunnan province. Adil Memettur, a Uygur and one of three owners of the company, donated 5,000 kg of the cake for people in the quake zones.

编辑: 于姝楠 标签: matang Ludian
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