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six foreign teachers in Hunan fined over lack of qualifications

2014-01-10 11:01:14 来源:chinadaily
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Six foreigners were fined for teaching English without proper qualifications or work permits in Hunan province, police announced on Thursday.

Four of the foreigners were caught while teaching at a kindergarten in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province on Dec 2.

The kindergarten was fined 40,000 yuan ($6,550) for hiring unlicensed foreigners, and they were fined 5,000 yuan each, the police said.

Two other foreigners were caught in mid-December. One was teaching without a license at a training club in the Furong district of Changsha, while the other was teaching at a kindergarten in the Wangcheng district of Changsha

编辑: 张少虎 标签: foreigners changsha
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