8.法治中国 rule of law in China
The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published a report on China's rule of law on Feb 25, which stated that the country's disciplinary authorities at every level have developed and applied technology to their anti-corruption work, such as online approval platforms and bribery record systems.
报道中的China's rule of law就是指“中国的法治”,这里的“法治”也就是指“依法治国”。在此次两会热点调查中,61%的网友认为实现依法治国的最大阻碍在于司法腐败、权钱交易,35%的网友认为官员试图凌驾于法律之上,原因在于缺乏有效的监督。有网友留言表示,要实现社会公平、保持国家发展,最终都需要“法治”。