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What a bummer 杯具了
2011-09-07 14:19:57      来源:流行美语

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Larry: OK, so we'll need about two dozen hamburgers, 20 pounds of ribs, a cheese platter, four bags of potato chips, potato salad, and...what am I missing?

LH: 还能缺什么啊?你说的这些东西,足够我吃一个礼拜了!我说Larry,你到底要请多少客人啊?

Larry: There should be around 40 people here. It's going to be great. I'm so stoked!

LH: Stoked?什么意思?

Larry: Yeah, stoked, s-t-o-k-e-d, stoked. It means to be really excited about something.

LH: Oh,stoked就是特别兴奋,特别激动的意思。

Larry: That's right. I'm really looking forward to this party. In other words, you could say I'm super stoked! It's going to be so much fun. Aren't you stoked, Lihua?

LH: 怎么说呢?I'm kind of stoked,我也挺兴奋的,不过Larry,你请那么多人,等派对结束后,这里肯定乱糟糟的。

What a bummer 杯具了

Larry: Oh, don't worry about that. You'll help me clean after the party, right?

LH: 啊?!还要我帮忙收拾?

Larry: Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I'm stoked about the DJ I hired for the party.

LH: 你还请了个DJ混音师?

Larry: Yea, he's an old friend from high school. He told me he's got quite a lot of fans around town these days.

LH: 我看出来了,这场party人又多,音乐又是吵哄哄的摇滚乐,而我还得负责事后清理战场的工作。现在想起来我都头疼。I can't say that I'm stoked quite yet.

Larry: Still not stoked? OK, what if I told you that my friend Brian will be there? You know, the guy who is in charge of interns at the company you want to work for?

LH: 啊?Brian要来?我特想去他们公司实习,你一定帮我介绍!

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