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垃圾按量收费 PAYT
2011-09-07 14:19:57      来源:中国日报

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垃圾按量收费 PAYT

Pay as you throw (also PAYT) is a system in which households are charged for collection of non-recyclable rubbish, and that the amount they pay is based on the quantity and weight of the rubbish they want collected. The system usually operates with free collection of recycled waste, with the principle therefore being that 'the more you recycle, the less you pay'.

Pay as you throw(垃圾按量收费,缩写为PAYT)制度指每个家庭都要为不可回收垃圾的处理支付费用,而费用的多少则根据垃圾的数量和重量来计算。在该制度内,可回收垃圾的处理是免费的,也就是说该制度遵循的是“多循环,少交费”原则。

Pay-as-you-throw schemes are already operational in many parts of the United States, where they are largely considered a cost-effective way to manage waste and encourage recycling.


Under the pay-as-you-throw system, payments for refuse collection would not be a fixed fee incorporated into local government taxes, but dealt with separately in what is now being referred to as a (dust) bin tax, calculated for individual households. Councils would maximize the opportunities for recycling by providing at least five different types of bins for collection of glass, paper, plastic, cardboard and (waste) food.

在垃圾按量收费制度中,垃圾处理的费用并没有作为一项固定收费被归入当地政府的税收项目,而是单独作为一项收费来处理,也就是所谓的dustbin tax(垃圾箱税),每个家庭单独计算。各地议会至少会提供五个分类垃圾桶来收集玻璃、纸张、塑料、纸板以及食物废料等不同类别的垃圾,以便将垃圾废品的循环再利用率最大化。

来源:中国日报   编辑:许银娟

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