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2011-08-29 15:24:48      来源:中国日报

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Beginning this month, more bullet trainsin China will slow down to increase safety. The decision was made after new problems were disclosed with one model of the high-speed train, China Daily reported.


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The word bulletmeans more than just ammunition for a gun. High-speed trains are often called bullet trains, even though they don’t travel nearly as fast as a bullet fired from a gun.

If you are asked to finish a hard task without complaining, your co-workers might tell you to “bite the bullet” and just do it. If you are asked to take all responsibility for a project that fails, you might be asked to “take a bullet” for your co-workers and say it’s your fault and not theirs. If you don’t agree with the idea, you can just say, “I’m not going to take a bullet for you or anybody else.”

Bullet不仅能表示子弹。“动车”常被称作bullet train,尽管速度并不真像子弹那么快。

如果你面临的任务很艰难,但又必须毫无怨言,同事们可能会告诉你去“bite the bullet”(顶住),去做吧。如果你被要求为某个失败的项目承担全部责任,你可能就要为你的同事们“take a bullet”(挡子弹),承认错不在他们,在你自己。如果你不同意,你可以说:“我不会为任何人挡子弹。”

来源:中国日报网英语点津  编辑:许银娟

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