Wen: Yasukuni Shrine visits must end
By Sun Shangwu (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-09-13 06:27

HELSINKI: Japan's new leadership should remove political obstacles in bilateral relations by ending visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, Premier Wen Jiabao said on Monday.

The top-level visits by Japanese leaders, including Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to the shrine that honours convicted war criminals have deeply hurt the feelings of Chinese and Asian people, and have also formed political obstacles in Sino-Japanese relations, according to Wen.

China and Japan are neighbours that should have a long-term friendship, said Wen, hoping the new Japanese leader can deal with the issue appropriately and normalize bilateral relations.

Last week, Shinzo Abe announced his candidacy for the soon-vacant prime minister position, and he is widely expected to win the contest.

The normalization of bilateral ties will benefit people of the two countries as well as world peace, said Wen.

The visiting Chinese premier made the remarks when asked by reporters if he had any contacts with his Japanese counterpart Koizumi during the two-day sixth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), which concluded on Monday. Leaders of 13 Asian countries mingled on the sidelines of the summit.

Wen said that they exchanged simple greetings, but did not have any other contact.

The Chinese and South Korean leaders have refused to hold bilateral meetings with Koizumi, angered by his annual visits to the Yasukuni Shrine.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang yesterday urged the Japanese Government to make a wise political decision and remove the obstacle that is affecting the development of bilateral relations.

"Treating historical issues properly affects the political basis of Sino-Japanese relations and also helps Japan deal with relations with its neighbours," Qin said at a regular news briefing in Beijing.

He also rejected Japan's criticism of a Chinese gas project in the East China Sea, saying the exploration was in China's own waters and unrelated to a territorial dispute between the two governments.

Exploration in the Chunxiao field "is conducted ... within our sovereign area," Qin said.

With regard to the situation in Taiwan, where tens of thousands of people are protesting against scandal-plagued leader Chen Shui-bian, Wen declined to make a direct comment.

"This is the question that should be resolved by Taiwan people themselves," said Wen, but he added that the central government always pushes for cross-Straits co-operation as well as direct postal, transportation and business links between the two sides.

"We will continue to do things that are good for Taiwanese people, but will keep alert to speeches by the Taiwan leader on Taiwan independence," he said.

Chen's problems centre on allegations that his family and inner circle used their positions for personal financial gain.

Wen on Monday reiterated his strong support for Margaret Chan from Hong Kong to seek the post of director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO).

"The central government regards Margaret Chan as the best candidate for the post," said Wen, noting that he has asked foreign leaders he met on the sideline of the ASEM summit to support China's nomination.

Chan, 58, used to serve as WHO assistant director-general for communicable diseases. She joined the Geneva-based agency in 2003 after serving for four years as director of health in Hong Kong.

(China Daily 09/13/2006 page2)