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Star power gathers to pull in donations

By LIU WEI (China Daily)
Updated: 2010-04-21 07:36
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BEIJING - Several hundred entertainment stars gathered to attract donations for earthquake-hit Yushu county during a China Central Television Station telethon on Tuesday evening.

China Daily donated 5 million yuan ($735,000) through the telethon. Donations raised during the telethon will go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Red Cross Society of China and the China Charity Federation, according to Jin Yue, director of the four-hour telethon.

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Star power gathers to pull in donations

"So many people and organizations around the country want to help. By presenting a telethon, we are providing a platform for all them to give a hand," said Jin, who also directed the station's annual Spring Festival gala this year.

The telethon was organized by the publicity department for the Communist Party of China Central Committee; the Ministry of Civil Affairs; the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television; and the Red Cross Society of China.

"It is a special moment, and people's eyes are all on Yushu. In the telethon, we were telling everyone what it is like now in Yushu, what people are doingwe recounted moments of the disaster and the rescue efforts. This telethon was, in a way, like a documentary," said Jin.

Weizi, one of the actors who participated, was glad to be a part of it.

"It is like your brothers and sisters are trapped in tribulations. How can you not lend a hand?" he said.

"As celebrities we can use our star aura and call for more people to join in the charity cause. I see that people have shown great concern and support for the victims, but we as stars would love to inspire more sympathy and care."

China Daily

(China Daily 04/21/2010 page4)