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Teachers pull 27 students from quake rubble

Updated: 2010-04-15 17:21
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Twenty seven students were rescued from the rubble of their collapsed school by teachers using their bare hands, the Beijing Times reported.

Staff of Yushu No.3 Primary School also recovered 34 bodies following the 7.1-magnitude earthquake that hit Yushu County in northwest China's Qinghai province.

"We had no tools on hand at that moment. Almost all the teachers' hands were worn," said Wen Ming, vice president of the school, adding that about 60 teachers used their hands to sift through the rubble looking for survivors immediately after the quake struck. Several teachers lost their relatives but they struggled to save the students in the first place, having no time to go home.

According to Wen, 18 bungalow classrooms had collapsed, accounting for almost 80 percent of all classrooms, and around 200 students remained trapped in the rubble.

"A lot of students including the injured are staying on the play grounds suffering cold outside," cried the president of the school. The school is in desperate need for tents which can shelter the children from the chilly weather.