China / Best cartoons

Extra baggage -- by Li Jianhua, 1987

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The heavy burden of debts in major economies drags down the growth of the global economy, 1987.

Shamir's fig leaf -- by Li Jianhua, 1988

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Israeli army carries out an operation against the Palestinians in 1988, and in order not to be criticized by the international community, the Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir bans foreign journalists from reporting, 1988.

New Dead Sea -- by Zhang Yaoning, Feb 2, 1991

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A large amount of crude oil seeps into the Persian Gulf, killing many sea birds, after Iraq blows up oil wells during the war, 1991.

Unpaid dues -- by Li Jianhua, 1998

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The Unites States is warned by the United Nations that it would lose its right to vote at the UN assembly if it does not clear its long-standing dues, 1998.

Riding roughshod -- by Li Jianhua, 1999

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The United States signs the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty with the former Soviet Union in 1972 to limit the number of missiles both countries have, and that paves the way to treaties with four former Soviet republics in 1997. However, the US withdraws from the treaty in 2002.

Self-interest -- by Li Jianhua, July 24, 2000

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Though many countries oppose the US national missile defense system, the country still goes ahead with the system, damaging the global strategic balance, 2000.

Middle East alarm clock -- by Luo Jie, Dec 28, 2002

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The Palestinians and Israel fight fire with fire in a vicious circle, 2002.

Gun talk -- by Luo Jie, March 21, 2003

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The US starts the war against Iraq regardless of the opposition from the United Nations, which shows its hegemony, 2003.

False truth -- by Luo Jie, Oct 7, 2004

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The US government publicizes the false news that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction to whip up support for the war, 2004.

Unchartered course -- by Luo Jie, Sept 6, 2005

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The new Iraqi government is set up in haste, and it is unknown how far the new government could take the country, 2005.

Cushy job -- by Luo Jie, Nov 8, 2007

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Lots of college graduates are eager to get a job through civil servants examinations, and the hottest post seats 3,592 competitors, 2007.

Shifting the burden -- by Luo Jie, Oct 15, 2008

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The US subprime mortgage crisis breaks out, and the Wall Street shifts the consequences of its greed from developed countries to developing countries and then to the public, 2008.

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