Abe must take action to improve China-Japan ties
2013-07-01 19:46Fleet patrols waters near Diaoyu Islands
2013-07-01 17:16China continues to patrol near Diaoyu Islands
2013-07-01 11:29Leave islands dispute to future generations
2013-06-29 09:34Chinese ships continue Diaoyu Islands patrols
2013-06-22 13:51Abe's plot to contain China doomed to fail
2013-06-14 06:41China urges Japan back to talk on Diaoyu
2013-06-04 22:25China's library to compile book on Diaoyu Islands
2013-06-03 20:31Foreign minister: Japan 'lack of common sense'
2013-05-29 02:28
Diaoyu Islands 'have never been Japan's territory'
2013-05-27 03:25US neutrality urged on China-Japan dispute
2013-05-18 14:01China does not accept Japan's protest
2013-05-09 21:43Japan taking 'coercive actions' on Diaoyu dispute
2013-05-01 15:17China continues patrol in Diaoyu Islands waters
2013-04-26 14:07
Beijing protests Diaoyu incident
2013-04-24 01:57Most Viewed in 24 Hours