Li calls on entrepreneurs and innovators to drive growth
Stranglehold broken
On Aug 23, Li visited Lattice Power Co, a leading manufacturer of LED chips in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi province. The company broke the technological stranglehold of Japan and the United States with patented technologies that imprint luminescent materials on silicon chips, saving energy and money.
The company's original technologies, which won first prize at the 2015 National Technology Invention Award, were the result of 10 years of work by Jiang Fengyi, a professor of semiconductor research at Nanchang University.
Clad in white dust-proof coveralls, Li examined the entire production process in the company's workshops, and encouraged Jiang and his employees to establish their own brand in the domestic and international markets when they transform their technological expertise into productivity.
Looking at the wider picture, Chen Fengying, who researches the global economy at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations in Beijing, said innovation and entrepreneurship will benefit the national "Made in China 2025" strategy, which aims to promote equipment manufacturing and the export of high-end equipment to explore new market potential in the weakest global trading environment for 30 years.