China / Society

Taiwan quake death toll at 47

(Xinhua) Updated: 2016-02-10 20:53
The death toll from the earthquake that struck southern Taiwan's Kaohsiung City on Saturday has climbed to 47, sources from local media said.

The collapse of the Wei Guan building, the most seriously damaged, accounted for 44 of the deaths, according to an official update on the casualties on Wednesday.

The State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the Red Cross Society of China as well as the China Earthquake Administration are in contact with the island.

The mainland has offered medical assistance, the Taiwan Affairs Office said in a statement.

Mainland enterprises, NGOs and individuals have donated 13 million new Taiwan dollars (392,000 US dollars) to the island following the disaster.

The quake, which the China Earthquake Administration said had a magnitude of 6.7, hit Kaohsiung city at 3:57 a.m. Beijing Time on Saturday, just two days ahead of the Lunar New Year. Local monitoring authorities put the scale of the quake at 6.4.

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