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Top female cop looks to the future

By Xiao Lixin (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-03-12 18:16:32


"I assume I have done a good job as a special policewoman and felt content with my missions," said Lei. "For me, the title of China's No 1 special policewoman is nothing but people's recognition of my work, and there are many young special women who deserve the same praise and attention".

After "retiring" from the frontline, Lei served at the training department of a police academy in Chengdu, Sichuan province.

As a CPPCC member at this year's two sessions, Lei put forward to boost cooperation between the academy and local universities.

The academy Lei works at is cooperating with 11 universities to cultivate police officers.

"We send our teachers to these universities for training or invite their teachers to our academy, offering students the best education we can provide," said Lei. "And we help our partners with military training".

Due to the lack of policy support, some strategic cooperation has remained at the negotiation stage, according to Lei.

"President Xi Jinping addressed in his speech the importance of deepening cooperation and integration between the army and local resources," said Lei. "Local government could share resources with the army so that more human power can be put in combat training".

Making use of each other's resources can contribute to the cultivation of the country's future talents, said Lei. "In our case, we borrow our partners' hardware such as labs to avoid repetition while university students can learn a sense of self-discipline in exchange activities."

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