China / Society

Contract-based civil service jobs less popular

( Updated: 2015-05-11 15:15

Recruiting contract-based civil servants in China is now facing difficulties, as less people are qualified or applying for the posts.

A report from People's Daily on May 11 says that in East China's Jiangsu Province, nine out of eleven posts aiming at contract-based civil servants failed to hold an exam, since the amount of candidates was not enough.

Those posts cover fields including medicine and capital operation.

Many candidates give up applying for the posts although the annual salary is about two or three times higher than their ordinary counterparts, since they require strict conditions, such as higher qualifications or more abundant experiences.

Others believe that very few professional candidates could live up to all those conditions to be adequate for the jobs, and the salary could not be quite attractive for those professionals.

Some of them even think there will be limitations for contract-based civil servants to start their own businesses.

Experts suggest that there are many ways to attract those talents and thus broaden their development spaces, such as standardized contract-renewing or improving their professional ranks.

The civil servants' recruitment has entered into the phase of interviews after an examination.

Nearly 20 thousand candidates who passed the exam out of 200 thousand were competing for 5872 posts during the interviews over the past weekend.

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