China / Government

Ten breakthroughs of China's military diplomacy in 2014

(China Military Online) Updated: 2014-12-31 09:15

Ten breakthroughs of China's military diplomacy in 2014

NO.2 PLAN held annual meeting of West Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS) for the first time

Event playback: The annual meeting of the 14th WPNS was held in Qingdao in April 22-23, 2014, which was joined by more than 150 naval leaders and representatives from 25 countries.

Reason for listing: Founded in 1987, the WPNS is now the only regular naval symposium of multilateral dialogue and cooperation in the Western Pacific region. This was the first time that the Navy of the People's Liberation Army (PLAN) held this symposium, at which the revised Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES) was passed, playing a positive role in safeguarding regional security and stability.

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