China / Society

Big data, savior for China's love seekers?

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-02-25 14:02

Within 90 days, his optimized algorithm had found a match: an Asian woman who later became his fiancee.

The concept of big data is new in China, where most online users were born after 1980, a generation now in their marrying years.

Unlike their parents who mainly relied on match-making by relatives, friends and colleagues, today's young people - big city dwellers, always on the go, with no time for romance - are turning to Internet for help.

Qu Xin, a university lecturer in East China's Anhui province, opened her first account on QQ, a leading Chinese short message service, in 2000 when she was only 15.

"I began to hear about love affairs on the Internet, but media reports were then critical, so our parents forbade us to use QQ. But we still chatted online secretly," Qu recalls.

The 28-year-old has received many advances through QQ. She also has accounts in other Chinese social media, such as Twitter-like Weibo and Wechat, a popular mobile messaging application. But none has helped her find her Mr Right.

"I often chat with guys online, but most of them are already my friends in real life. If it doesn't work out in real life, it won't work out on the Internet," she says.

Qu has registered with several online dating companies and hopes the professionals can identify a boyfriend.

According to the Department of Civil Affairs, China's single marriage-age population stood at 180 million in 2013. But despite the huge number, finding the soul mate has never been easy for young Chinese.

"Love is still beyond the understanding of science," says Ji Xiaohua, CEO and founder of popular science website

But, he adds, big data can improve the odds in favor of a successful communication. "For example, well educated young people could find their love in big cities easier than in small ones, as big cities have more people of similar backgrounds. Big data can help filter out people with similar hobbies and interests on a larger scale, providing better matches than blind dates," Ji explains.

But big data has its limitations. "Biologists still can't analyze or understand love. When people fall in love, they make a decision both consciously and subconsciously. Big data can only cover the conscious factors, while the subconscious is still a mystery."

That doesn't deter Xia Tianyu and his engineers. The team organized a speed-matching event on Valentine's Day, and 100 singles were selected from 1,000 applicants and matched by computer during the event.

But before the computer could finish matching the 50 pairs, chemistry took over and the waiting lovebirds challenged their big data choice by finding their own preferred mates.

"Machines and technology can't replace actual communication," Xia says. "But I hope one day, it will solve all human mysteries, including love."

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