China, Chile pledge to further cooperation

By ( Xinhua )

Updated: 2013-10-06

China appreciates the creation of Latin America's Pacific Alliance by Chile and other regional countries, and is committed to promoting trade liberalization. China stands ready to strengthen trade relations with Asia-Pacific nations and is willing to cooperate with the Pacific Alliance.

Pinera, for his part, noted that Chile established diplomatic relations with China in 1970, the first in South America.

Chile appreciates China's long history and civilization, and congratulates on China's great achievements in modernization, he said.

Chile stands ready to strengthen the strategic partnership with China, boost two-way trade and investment, and expand cooperation in such fields as clean energy, infrastructure construction, disaster prevention and relief and education, he said.

Chile welcomes China to establish a science research center in Chile and carry out joint research in such fields as astronomy, said the Chilean president.

Pinera said Chile is ready to push forward the establishment of a China-Latin America cooperation forum and beef up the cooperation between China and the Pacific Alliance which groups Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Chile supports China in hosting the 2014 APEC meeting, and stands ready to maintain communication and coordination with China regarding such aspects as Asia-Pacific regional cooperation, he said.

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