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Medical insurance for overseas Chinese students

Updated: 2013-07-24 18:42
By Liu Zhihua (

JJL Overseas Education, a leading consultancy, and Britain insurance company Meducover agreed on Tuesday to provide complementary medical insurance for Chinese students studying overseas.

Increasing numbers of Chinese students are going abroad to study. Their numbers have registered an annual increase of 20 percent in the past three years.

The agreement will see the creation of an insurance product to meet the need of Chinese students studying overseas, which parents can buy online.

Meducover will arrange for family members or guardians to travel to where the student is studying and travel back upon medical advice. With the medical insurance policy, academic fees will be refunded in this particular situation.

“This protection policy is the first of its kind for educational agents in the Chinese mainland,” said Niall O’Driscoll, president of Meducover.

Not only does JJL take care of the student studying abroad by arranging visas, tuition and accommodation, but now, through Meducover, JJL can provide parents and students with peace of mind, said Zhu Yanmin, president of JJL.

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