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Sweden's king, deputy PM to visit China

Sweden's king, deputy PM to visit China

Updated: 2010-05-11 09:20


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STOCKHOLM - Sweden's King Carl XVI Gustaf is scheduled to visit Beijing and Shanghai beginning next Wednesday to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Sweden and China.

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The king will also attend the World Expo in Shanghai, according to a statement from the Committee for Sweden's Participation of World Expo in Shanghai.

"The king will attend a high-level forum on innovation in Beijing, aiming at strengthening cooperation between China and Sweden in environment technology, small companies and corporate social responsibilities. The two sides will sign a series of cooperation agreements," said the statement.

Deputy Prime Minister Maud Olofsson, who is traveling with the king, will open a Global Summit of Women which attracts women leaders from the whole world, especially women entrepreneurs, the statement added.

The king and the deputy prime minister will visit Sweden's exhibitions at the World Expo in Shanghai after their Beijing tour.

There will also be roundtable talks with Swedish and Chinese companies during a large conference focusing on innovation and growth. The theme of the Swedish delegation in Shanghai is Spirit of Innovation, the statement said.

It will also be the highest-level Swedish business delegation to visit China, with representatives from most of Sweden's large companies.

The statement noted that China is Sweden's most important trade partner in Asia, and the purpose of the tour is to deepen bilateral economic cooperation and create new business.