Residents near railway lines get safety calendars

Updated: 2012-01-27 05:45

By Xia Yongjing and Huang Zhiling (

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Residents of Youfeng village in Ganshui town in Qijiang county, Chongqing, are quite happy this Spring Festival because each household has received a free hanging calendar featuring the Year of the Dragon.

Two days before the festival, the Chongqing Public Work Section of the Chengdu Railway Bureau sent calendars to all the villagers of Youfeng in a bid to enhance their sense of security.

Administering the Chengdu-Chongqing, Chongqing-Guiyang and Neijiang-Doushaguan railway lines which cross 11 towns, the section faces heavy pressure in terms of security.

Since this year's Spring Festival travel peak which started on Jan 8, employees from the section have traveled 480 km to visit nearly 200 households living around the lines to publicize the ABC of safety.

In addition, they have sent them hanging calendars with words such as "No grazing 20 meters from railway lines" and "Please report to police if a rail is found to be broken" as well as railway safety regulations.

So far, 1,025 safety calendars have been sent, section officials say.

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