Foreign and Military Affairs

Hu's US visit vital to ties: ambassador

Updated: 2011-01-16 14:52
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WASHINGTON - President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit to the United States is vital to pushing forward bilateral ties, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Zhang Yesui said Saturday.

In an interview with Chinese journalists in Washington, Zhang said this year marks the 40th anniversary of the rapprochement between the two countries as well as the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century.

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Zhang noted that China-US relationship is at a critical period, with two countries making strides in vigorously developing cooperation in various areas, while new challenges arise. At such a time, the visit of President Hu next week will be especially meaningful in pushing forward bilateral ties in the new era.

China-US relations have maintained general stability and achieved marked progress since the establishment of diplomatic ties, which has become one of the most important bilateral relations in the world, he said.

The two countries have conducted constant communication and dialogues, maintained close economic and trade relations, witnessed frequent exchanges of personnel and enjoyed a wide range of cooperation fields. The two countries have far more common interests than disagreements, dialogue and cooperation is always the defining feature of this relationship, he added.

Zhang said China and the United States have different domestic environment, social systems as well as historic and cultural identities. They are also at different stages of development. It is normal for the two sides to have different views and even divisions in certain issues.

What is important is to take into account and respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and resolve differences through dialogue and negotiations, he said.

Amid deepened globalization with more pressing global challenges, Zhang said, China-US ties needed to be viewed in a new perspective. China-US relationship is not a zero-sum game. As long as the two sides work together, enhance dialogue, increase mutual trust and widen cooperation, they can create a win-win situation.

He stressed that a stable and developing China-US relationship benefits not only the two peoples, but also contributes to peace, stability and development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. President Hu's visit will give great impetus to the development of China-US relations at a higher level.