Foreign and Military Affairs

Chinese FM meets US congressmen on bilateral ties

Updated: 2011-01-05 20:47
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WASHINGTON - Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met here Tuesday with US Senator Richard Lugar and Congressmen Rick Larsen and Charles Boustany to discuss issues concerning bilateral relations and the upcoming US visit by Chinese President Hu Jintao.

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During the meeting, Yang said that since China and the United States forged diplomatic relations over 30 years ago, their relationship had made great achievements through joint efforts by both sides, including the two political parties of the United States.

Yang said frequent high-level contacts have been made between the two sides, which effectively boosted the countries' ties. Both sides have maintained effective coordination and cooperation to tackle common challenges, including the international financial crisis and climate change.

Yang said a favorable China-US relationship was not only in accordance with the basic benefits of the two countries and the two peoples, but also beneficial to the peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and even the whole world.

He also said that Hu's upcoming state visit to the United States, conducted in the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century, would offer an important chance for the two countries to advance their relations.

He said Hu's state visit also would have a far-reaching influence in advancing the two countries' positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship.

Lugar, ranking member of US Senate Commitee on Foreign Relations, said Hu's visit would be a great event in US-China relations and will attract a great amount of attention.

He said he believed that the visit would boost cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Larsen and Boustany said that US-China relations are of great importance for both China and the United States, and the world.

They said that Hu's trip is crucial and that the United States would work with China to ensure a successful visit by the Chinese president.