BRIC Summit in Brazil

CHINA Government & Policy Foreign & Military Affairs Society Economy Odd News Profiles

Four reasons a stronger yuan may backfire  2010-03-31 17:03:10

When the US is increasing pressure on China's revaluation of the yuan, it needs to seriously consider some possible unintended consequences of the yuan's appreciation

Improving China-Russian ties  2010-03-22 07:53:34

Although bilateral relations have not changed dramatically, mechanisms are needed to address specific trade issues

Diplomat: Brazil gives high priority to Hu's visit  2010-04-09 12:53:38

Brazil attaches great importance to the upcoming visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao, a Brazilian diplomat said on Thursday.

China calls on business to explore African market  2010-04-01 00:08:33

China called on its businesses to explore the African market and deepen cooperation with African businesses.

Better media links help China, India  2010-03-31 07:48:36

Strengthened media cooperation between India and China will help improve understanding and promote more beneficial bilateral ties between the two countries, officials from both sides proposed on Tuesday.

China underscores common ground with India  2010-04-01 22:23:14

China on Thursday highlighted common ground with India in the run-up to Indian Foreign Minister Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna's visit to Beijing.

China reaffirms openness to foreign investment  2010-04-01 21:35:01

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Thursday said the government would as always welcome foreign investment and that it would maintain the mutually beneficial strategy of opening-up.

US delays yuan report 'to prevent showdown'  2010-04-05 08:47:18

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Saturday he was delaying an April 15 report on whether China manipulates its currency, amid growing debate on the revaluation of the yuan.