
CHINA Government & Policy Foreign & Military Affairs Society Economy Odd News Profiles

China in balancing act between Iran and US  2010-04-07 11:48:33

US officials' recent remarks seem to suggest that "China could be poised to lend crucial support to White House efforts to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions", said a commentary on CNN.

China is good news for Latin America  2010-03-19 08:01:50

The steady erosion of US power in Latin America is in marked contrast to the increasing influence of China in the region. And China's influence is good news for the region.

Hu's visit significant to ties with Latin America  2010-04-08 09:19:47

Chinese President Hu Jintao's upcoming visit to Brazil, Venezuela and Chile will be significant to furthering comprehensive development of China-Latin America relations, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Wednesday.

Pursuing tougher, meaningless sanctions  2010-04-12 07:14:12

The pursuit of fresh sanctions against Iran to halt its uranium enrichment program may result in self-glorification for some politicians, but not necessarily in a solution for the thorny issue.

Hu-Obama meet will ease strained ties, say experts  2010-04-12 07:27:28

President Hu Jintao and United States President Barack Obama are expected to meet during the Nuclear Security Summit for the first time since Sino-US ties became frayed over a series of contentious issues this year.