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  • G20 communique rules out global bank tax

    2010-06-05 14:04

    The G20 will put to rest proposals for a global bank tax, introducing new language in their communique that recognises some countries did not have bank bailouts and therefore may seek alternative policies, a senior G20 official said on Saturday.

  • UN chief urges climate change on G8, G20 agenda

    2010-05-13 14:02

    The United Nations Secretary-General pressed here Wednesday for putting climate change on the agenda of the G8 and G20 summits which Canada hosts in Toronto in June.

  • Central banks vow to improve liquidity conditions

    2010-05-10 13:12

    In response to the re-emergence of strains in U.S. dollar short-term funding markets in Europe, five major Western central banks announced on Sunday the re-establishment of temporary U.S. dollar liquidity swap facilities.

  • Eurozone finmins activate aid package for Greece

    2010-05-03 14:43

    Eurozone finance ministers agreed on Sunday to activate the aid package for Greece, offering along with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 110 billion euros to the debt-laden country in the next three years.

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