About Population Policy

The National Family Planning Program of China 1995-2000

Updated: 2010-08-20 15:07
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V. Improve Family Planning at the Grassroots Level with the Emphasis on Rural Areas

(13) Improving family planning at the grassroots level constitutes an essential guarantee for the effective implementation of family planning policies and one of the major measures in implementing the policy of "three priorities". Leaders at all levels must attach great importance to this endeavor and work in a down-to-earth manner to ensure the success of family planning at the grassroots level. Family planning should also be integrated with economic development and the promotion of material, ethical and cultural progress in communities.

(14) The establishment of family planning organizations at the township and village levels, particularly in the latter, has been the key to the success of family planning in rural areas. Efforts should be made to inspire these organizations to assume their responsibilities and play an effective role. Members of the Communist Party, Communist Youth League, revolutionary army men, cadres, and leading cadres at various levels in particular, should take the lead in observing and implementing the relevant policies and regulations on family planning, urge their children and relatives to practice family planning and actively participate in publicity work. The Party discipline inspection departments and government supervisory departments must deal seriously with officials who violate family planning policies and regulations.

(15) A contingent of family planning workers at the grassroots level should be formed that is sufficient in number and professionally competent for the job. Neighborhood committees in urban areas and villagers' committees and groups in rural areas should have part-time family planning workers and ensure that these people have clearly defined tasks and are duly paid. The roles of the family planning association and other mass organizations should be brought into full play so that they can help motivate people to conduct self-education, self-management and self-services, rendering practical services for the people and doing them good turns. In this way more people will be drawn into the family planning endeavor.

(16) Local authorities should draw up plans and work conscientiously to help grassroots units implement in real earnest the principle of "three priorities" in family planning work, improve basic services and gradually accomplish a more standardized management. In rural areas campaigns should be launched in line with local conditions, to establish villages that have come up to family planning standards. The campaign can be integrated with activities to create "better-off villages" and "more civilized villages". In urban areas, efforts should be made to study and solve problems that have arisen in new situations and to steadily improve family planning.

(17) The Regulations on Family Planning Management of the Floating Population should be conscientiously implemented. Local authorities at the places of entry of the floating population and those at the places of its permanent residence should coordinate their efforts. The departments of family planning, residence registration, labor, industrial and commercial administration, urban construction, public security, associations of self-employed laborers and other organizations should cooperate closely with one another while assuming their respective responsibilities in a joint effort for more effective management of family planning among the floating population.