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  • Shellfish under threat from ocean acidification

    2010-12-03 14:47

    Certain ocean organisms, particularly shellfish and corals, are losing their ability to form skeletons as a result of increasing "ocean acidification," a marine environmental problem triggered by accumulating concentrations of dissolved carbon dioxide in the ocean, a new report said.

  • Brazil diplomat has hope for treaty

    2010-12-03 07:59

    Securing a guarantee for an extension of the Kyoto Protocol is crucial for the nations to move the current climate negotiations forward, said Sergio B. Serra, Brazil's ambassador for climate change during an interview with China Daily on Wednesday.

  • Japan's decision vexes Cancun meeting

    2010-12-03 07:59

    China's chief climate change negotiator, two days into the two-week conference, voiced his frustration over Japan's forceful rejection of an extension to the gas restrictions set under the Kyoto Protocol, calling the decision "not a very welcomed position".

  • Japan gets criticisms for rejecting Kyoto Protocol

    2010-12-03 03:50

    Protesters voiced their concerns for the fate of the Kyoto Protocol at the United Nations climate change conference.

  • Temperature highs recorded for 2010

    2010-12-03 03:12

    The year 2010 has almost certainly been among the top three warmest years since the beginning of instrumental climate records in 1850, according to data sources compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

  • EU: No absolute yes or no to extend Kyoto Protocol

    2010-12-03 02:53

    There is still no absolute yes or no to a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol from the European Union side, said Peter Wittoeck, a Belgian envoy who speaks for the EU, during a press conference at the two-week climate summit in Cancun.

  • Developed nations should help reduce emissions: Raffarin

    2010-12-02 22:14

    Former French prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said Thursday developed countries should share their experience and technologies in reducing greenhouse gas emissions with developing countries.

  • Cancun delegates praise China's green energy push

    2010-12-02 22:06

    China is responding to climate change on many fronts and its efforts in developing green energy are noteworthy, according to delegates attending the UN climate change conference.

  • US, China close in on accord on key climate issue

    2010-12-02 10:51

    The United States and China appeared close to agreement Wednesday on a key issue that has troubled climate change negotiations, boosting prospects that talks on global warming will score their first success in years.

  • NGOs: Japan is 'fossil' for rejecting Kyoto

    2010-12-02 06:53

    Japan won the "Fossil of the Day" award on Tuesday on the second day of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.

  • China to map a switch to efficient lighting

    2010-12-02 03:01

    China will soon release a plan for switching to energy-saving lighting, hopefully by the end of this year, according to a Chinese lighting expert attending the Cancun climate talks Thursday.

  • Call for concessions at climate conference

    2010-12-01 07:38

    Concessions are being urged, amid calls to sideline narrow interests for humanity's sake, as negotiators from more than 180 countries gathered at the resort city of Cancun on the Caribbean coast on Monday to discuss ways to combat climate change.

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